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Finally, a Payment
Solution designed


Teach your kids how to manage money


Parent funded and controlled Tappables are safer than any cash, debit or credit card solutions in the market today. 

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Fun & Secure.

Tappables are fun, fashionable, safe and educational payment solutions designed to help teach kids about money during their formative years.

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Tappables are designed to hold the most advanced  payment chip on the market today. The contactless antenna uses the VISA or MasterCard network to securely transmit payment details. The antenna can be designed to work inside of any wristband, keychain, button or any novelty item.

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Real Time Notifications. 

Parents receive real-time notifications every time the Tappable is tapped for a transaction.


Tappables are the safest and most secure form of payment on the market WITHOUT requiring a PIN.

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How can they be secure without a PIN?


Tappables are controlled and managed by the parent's mobile app.


Parents can set where, when, and how the device can transact. Unlike cash, credit cards or debit cards that can be used freely anywhere, Tappables can only be used at locations the parents are aware of. 


Parents can select specific times, locations and values that restrict where the devices will work when tapped.



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What happens if it is lost or stolen?


Parents are in full control of the Tappable.  At any time the parent can lock the Tappable, via the app, so it is rendered unusable.


The parent can simply disconnect the Tappable from the account and it goes back to being a regular keychain, wristband or pin.


Parents also receive instant notifications for every transaction made with the Tappable. This allows parents to know where and when the Tappable is being used.


Customized to your Parenting Style.

Parents know their kids best.


Set all the limits or none, it's up to you.



Tappables Jr. Product line (coming soon) 


Pins & Buttons

Key Chains


We are designing a number of fun and fashionable Tappable devices for all ages. Check back to see our latest lines and products. 

Educational & Inspirational.

Reward learning with earning.


Kids can link their favorite online learning applications and parents can set value for completed exercises. 

Tappables is on a mission to elevate the consciousness of money. To teach kids and parents how to use money as a tool it was intended to be - a medium of exchange. 

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Tappables are powered by PayWith Worldwide, Inc. 

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